Register for your FREE Guaranteed Pet Odor Removal:


Get 35 Years of “in the trenches” pet odor removal treatment experience

(without working nearly as hard as you have been)!



cute morkie dog standing in room

 ✅ You’re sick and tired of using cleaning solution after cleaning solution… after cleaning solution… and STILL being haunted by those stubborn pet odors.

 ✅ Your current cleaners methods suck and aren’t eliminating the smells you’re desperate to get rid of… (Psst… you’ll discover how to turn “sucky” odor control into a FRESH, CLEAN property – without nearly as much hassle!!)

✅ You want to go from “losing tenants” to “attracting” NEW, high-quality tenants AT WILL with a “pristine reputation” that makes you the top property manager in their eyes…

✅ You want to build a TRIBE of loyal tenants who can’t get enough of your fresh-smelling, well-maintained properties… tenants who will renew their leases and LOVE living at your properties!

✅ You want to have an perfect “odor-free guarantee” that WORKS every time… where tenants practically beg to rent from you without hesitation!

If you nodded or said “yes” to any of the above, then this FREE ‘Benchmark Pet Odor Removal’ Treatment is EXACTLY what you need.

And if you’re sitting there all skeptical, thinking, “pshhh… this sounds WAY too good to be true,” then this treatment is doubly important for you, and we’ll prove it to you!

Sign up today and we’ll show you our step-by-step method to eliminating pet odors with our revolutionary techniques that not only clean but KEEP your properties smelling fresh for LIFE!

Pet Odor Removal Experts in Portland OR, and Vancouver WA

Contact us today and get help you need and deserve.

Benchmark is a Water Damage Restoration & Professional Cleaning Company in Vancouver WA.

From Adam Vermilyea, Chief Pet Odor Remover:

Unlock the Secret to Odor-Free Properties – Get a FREE Pet Odor Removal Treatment for Your Managed Properties!

“Nothing is more memorable than a smell” -Diane Ackerman

Dear Property Manager,

Are persistent pet odors causing headaches and lost revenue in your properties? If you’re managing multiple units or buildings, you know how challenging it can be to maintain a fresh and inviting environment for tenants. Odors can turn prospective renters away, impact tenant satisfaction, and ultimately, your bottom line.

What if I told you there’s a foolproof way to eliminate those stubborn pet odors for good? This is the most important letter you’ll ever read.

Why Pet Odor Removal Matters for Property Managers

As a property manager, your reputation hinges on the quality and condition of the properties you oversee. Pet odors aren’t just an inconvenience—they can lead to extended vacancies, lower rents, and unhappy tenants. Traditional cleaning methods fall short, merely masking odors rather than eliminating them.

The BenchMark Solution

At BenchMark Restoration & Cleaning, we specialize in advanced pet odor removal that goes beyond surface-level cleaning. Our state-of-the-art techniques and eco-friendly products penetrate deep into carpets, upholstery, and walls to eradicate odors at their source, ensuring lasting freshness.

Experience Our Revolutionary Service for FREE!

We’re so confident in our pet odor removal service that we’re offering you an exclusive FREE treatment for one of your properties. That’s right—for a limited time, you can experience the transformative power of our service at absolutely no cost.

Here’s What You Get with Your Free Treatment:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: Our expert technicians will perform a detailed assessment of the affected areas to identify all sources of pet odors.
  2. Advanced Odor Removal: Using cutting-edge equipment and eco-friendly products, we’ll remove odors deeply embedded in carpets, engineered flooring, and other surfaces.
  3. Guaranteed Results: Our proven methods ensure that odors are not just masked but completely eliminated, leaving your property fresh and inviting.

Why Are We Offering This for Free?

We believe so strongly in our service that we want you to experience it firsthand. We’re confident that once you see the results, you’ll recognize the value and make us your go-to solution for all your properties.

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

Here’s what some of our satisfied property managers have to say:

  • “This service is a game-changer. Our units are now odor-free, and tenant satisfaction has never been higher.” – Jamie T.
  • “Professional, efficient, and thorough. [Your Company Name] has made managing our properties so much easier.” – Chris M.
  • “The best solution we’ve found for pet odors. Highly recommend their services.” – Alex R.

Act Now – Limited Offer!

This incredible offer is available for a limited time only. Don’t miss your chance to experience the ultimate pet odor removal service for free. Contact us today to schedule your free treatment.

Call us now at 360-696-4418 or visit to claim your free treatment.

Take the First Step to Odor-Free Properties Today!

You don’t have to let pet odors impact your properties any longer. Take advantage of this exclusive offer and see the BenchMark difference for yourself. Our dedicated, professional team is ready to help you maintain fresh, attractive properties that tenants will love.

Don’t wait—secure your free treatment now and ensure your properties are odor-free!


Adam Vermilyea
Chief Pet Odor Remover
BenchMark Restoration & Cleaning
WA:  360-696-4418  OR:  503-285-9693 [email protected]

P.S. Remember, this special offer won’t last forever. Call us now to schedule your free treatment and keep your properties fresh and inviting!

FREE Guaranteed Pet Odor Removal Treatment

If you want to quickly build a group of tenants that are “ride or die” loyalists.

The kind that RECOMMEND YOUR COMPANY to your property management company…

Your Chance To Solidify Your Reputation On The Quality and Condition Of The Properties You Oversee.

Don’t Miss Out On This INCREDIBLE Opportunity to take control of your business and your budget.

…Will You Take It?